Monday 17 August 2015

A to Y Oh Y of a Budding Business 16/08/2015


How hard can it be?

Hmmmmmmm harder than you think!  I wanted it to be a memorable name so when potential customers searched for it via social media it could be found with ease.  Simple .... not!  After over a week of sleepless nights and pages of possible names, keywords and doodles I was ready to give up.  I thought the name would come to me instinctively, in a flashbulb moment of inspiration, that I would just know!  Nothing leapt at me, grabbed me by the throat and shook me violently - that's how I know when I've made the right choice as that's how the moment feels in my very cluttered mind.  

And that's how come I'm sat here writing a blog post (at 5 am on a Monday morning) about how I can't pick a suitably, wonderful name for my new, fab, super memorable business (with a logo full of bling and pazzazz - I'm so tired ... LOL).

I do have some interesting news of sorts but I can't really give too much away other than to let you know that I am developing a new line based upon a couple of conversations I had today whilst browsing Warrington car boot sale (held every Sunday and Bank Holidays  

I love going to 'booties' because you never know what 'treasures' you can find or interesting and often very knowledgeable people you will meet.  It was very busy today (both sellers and buyers) because everyone (but me) knew it was going to be the perfect day for catching a tan hee hee!

I had gone with a mental list of items I was looking for today but, as usual, I got distracted by the vast array of books (I can't help myself - my bookcases already groans under the weight of all the books I already own but I always think 'one more won't hurt'), small pieces of furniture and 'unusuals'.  Unusuals, to me anyway, tend to be homemade wooden objects, obscure TV/film related items or childhood toys that evoke such memories that make me smile and often laugh out loud - the sellers fall into two categories when I do this - either they totally understand and they now grieve the loss of their item as that's exactly the same reason they bought it in the first place OR it's an ex (who is selling their stuff out of spite) or wife/girlfriend flogging their current spouses childhood (memories) and who don't care so long it's out of their lives plus they now have cash for shoes (just kidding! They may buy other things like perfume, make up, Michael Kors handbags .... I'd love a Michael Kors handbag but that's a whole other post LOL)

Anyway, I digress ... what was I saying?  Oh yeah I still haven't got a business name but I chatted today with a young lady who sells her products predominantly on social media and does a car boot sale once a week for the social interaction as she's so busy at home creating, packing and advertising that she barely leaves the house (but she does know the post office and delivery companies staff very well). She highly recommended social media as an avenue for selling my creations and offered lots of other advice that I will certainly be taking heed of over the next few weeks.

I also chatted with a guy who sells mostly on a well known online auction site as well as car boot sales and Toy Fairs.  He explained that for immediate cash he does the car boot sales (at least once a week) and he makes his biggest profits online but it takes longer to get the returns.   He also told me he sells at Toy Fairs where sellers will pay a premium and recommended adapting a line of my products that could be sold at these fairs for a large profit.  As he said, I already had the basic idea I only needed to focus on a large, specific target group that frequent these fairs which take place regularly in the North West. 

Funnily enough I was chatting to (my confidence has soared since I decided to launch my business) a lovely man at Widnes Flea Market who told me he sells his items for a greater profit when he attends Fairs at air bases around the country as that is his target market. He also recommended personalising some of my items for this audience too as he thought they'd sell exceptionally well.  

So .... it's confirmed my items will sell with tweaks here and there for target audiences as well as my basic lines selling at car boot sales and via social media - now I just need to get samples together over next couple of weeks ... and think of a name!!!!

I did spend £27 on lots of 'stock' including board games, jewellery, MDF and items that will make my products unique or personalised so it wasn't a totally wasted day, was it?

Now I just need to think of a name ... back to square one eh?

Be Good - Be Happy - Be Lucky ♥

Be Good - Be Happy - Be Lucky ♥

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